
blame it on the hormones.

There was a lot of loveliness this past weekend. So much so in fact that at one point I found myself sitting in the hallway of our hotel suite* sobbing as I contemplated how I, we, could possibly 'successfully' bring another human being into the mix. I should add that as I was experiencing these moments of fear & uncertainty I also happened to be eavesdropping on Vida Blue as she sang her sister to sleep with a made up song about being thankful & happy. It was quite possibly one of the sweetest things I've ever heard in my life & let me tell you it went on and on and on. (As did my tears.) Maybe I should also mention that this was the first time in B and I's 'hotel history with kids' that we got to sleep alone in one bed while the girls slept alone in another. Momentous non? Gosh it felt good. And while we may have a really good groove happening over here at the moment, I know another babe will just make it that much sweeter. I know this. I do. I am just going to relish in all this goodness for the next four (or so) months. Maybe even put in a special request for monthly hotel stays to soak it up a little.

*This is one of the many perks that comes with being married to Bradley... hotel rooms get upgraded to hotel suites with hallways and multiple bathrooms and maybe a kitchen or two thrown in for fun. Lucky B. : )


  1. Oh Jenne....u and Brad have that special something...some pretty spectacular magical something that ensures this 3rd bebe will only bring more spectacular moments to your beautiful life. Truly truly blessed u are my sweet friend. One gorgeous mama inside and out u are.

  2. jenne, you are such a good momma! i love hearing your heart!

  3. I get it.. I GET IT!!
    hotel babies.. does it get any sweeter!!

  4. your girls are little you's...just as lovely as their lovely mama. love you, sweet mama!
