
friday morning

Tomorrow morning Nana & Papa are swinging by bright and early to pick up Vida Blue for the day... and night. They do this for each of their grandchildren's birthdays. This will be V's first year. Word on the street is "Nana & Papa Day's" are packed full of adventures. Stanley Park. Shopping. Caramel apples. Yaletown parks. Pretty sweet stuff right?

Well no... not exactly. 

This mama hasn't been feeling too sweet about it all week long. I've been missing her terribly. It's been like one long, slow build-up to Friday morning. I know it probably doesn't make a bit of sense, but I'm exhausted. I think Bradley might be feeling it too. 

We've actually laughed at ourselves a whole lot this week. How could we possibly be missing her so much when she hasn't even left us yet?  We made ourselves feel better with a midnight photo shoot... just to document her sweetness. And the cuddles... the cuddles have been endless.

And then today came. (Today being Thursday.) Vida Blue had her overnight bag packed before breakfast. It never left her side all day. All she could talk about was Nana & Papa. It broke my heart a little.  

Broken heart aside, Brad & I are making the best of it. We're heading down to Seattle with one kid under one. This is honeymoon territory. The possibilities are endless, and we know it.  

But we also know, that nothing is going to compare to the car ride home. The anticipation will be magic. Pure & simple. I'm already looking forward to it.  


  1. there might be a few things that compare....
    i've been up since 3am with Vida Blue,both of us so excited for our weekends to begin. love you

  2. awwwwww. that anonymous comment just made my day - so did this post jenne. all of you - have an amazing weekend.
    A Sak

  3. love this post! well.. minus the fact that I was in your town.. while you were in mine :0
    more of these please!!
