
five things you may not know about me

1. I believe there is a right way & a wrong way to hang toilet paper. If you happen to hang yours wrong (i.e. under)... just know, I will be switching it. 

2. I avoid gas stations at all costs. It drives my sister crazy... Bradley too.

3. I add 'er' to the end of a lot of words. The other day Vida said to me
"Jenne, lippers sore". I think I was more proud than shocked.

4. Football is the bane of my existence. (Unless of course, Tom Brady is playing.) 

5. Thursday has been my favorite day of the week for as long as I can remember. In my world, there's no such thing as a 'bad Thursday'.  

Here's hopin' you're all having a good one.


  1. I fully agree with #2.. i will go dangerous distances with babies in carseats.. and in my belly.. just to avoid gas stations.. and I have run out before.. (the 5 way in abbotsford by presto cucina :0 )

  2. lol. :) love this post jenne. i have no doubt that you're the bravest 'e' driver out there. or maybe that's bradie if he has to get in after you. we still need bathroom hooks so perhaps chris & i should go buy some so that you can come visit & change em. :) happy thurs!
