
a portrait of peace

And sweaty pits. So ignore the photo's obvious campiness. I was doing everything in my power to pump myself up (vintage merlot in hand) to head next door to our neighbour's property. I left our doorstep to chants of "go mommy go! go mommy go!" and even that bit of encouragement seemed to help.

Here's what you need to know. This morning Rosa (amidst freak snowstorm) got away from me & proceeded to head next door to eventually kill/eat one of the neighbour's chickens. Yah. Just a little devastating. And while at one point our relationship with said neighbours was pretty great... {insert our ever escaping puppy that their dog detests & the accidental topping of one of their trees} it seemed to get a little awkward. And fast. My immediate reaction after aforementioned 'offences' was to simply avoid. And avoid I did... until tonight. Hence the sweaty pits. And overly cheesy photo op. 

But if you must know, it was all worth it. I was invited in, offered tea and most importantly my apologies were taken to heart. I learned they appreciate a good bottle of vino (whoot!) and had even begun to miss seein' me around (whoot! whoot!). Alls well that ends well I say. For tonight anyway.

Namaste. : ) 


  1. was it Siri? or other neighbor? i'm DYIN over this!

    1. other. siri's lucky to be far far away from all our shenanigans. ; )

  2. Double gulp.. Namaste. Kacey

  3. bless you and your sweaty armpits! and gosh that photo could not get any more lovely. ps, kinda secretly wishing i was your neighbor.

  4. you are the cutest thing in galoshes. thinkin' of you, too. xo

  5. you are a great story teller - i was laughing over here.
    you are beautiful.
    you are such a peacemaker.
    glad i know you, friend.
