
huntington beach

In a matter of two short days it stole a piece of my heart. It could've been any number of things. Our incredible hotel across from the seemingly endless beach. The hour spent on the pier watching the hundreds of surfers or the nostalgia that set in seeing all the beach volleyball players. It could've been waking up those two mornings to good good coffee or discovering the most amazing gelato joint; Salted Caramel & Snickers people! It could've been Matt, "our (charming) luggage boy" we kept running into or the humbling stories told by our faithful cabbie Syad. 

What I do know is we'll be back. Before our return to Disneyland I'm bettin'. That my friends, say it all.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, hunny...our family went years ago. Still has a piece of me. Love it there.
