
here's to...

I don't know why I think this is so awesome. Maybe it's because as a kid I remember the long lonely walk to the end of the diving board. Or maybe it's knowing this kid wasn't always a fish. Maybe it's that she's now diving to the bottom of the pool for hockey pucks, and learning the front crawl, and is obsessed about 'the butterfly' ever since watching her older cousin Madalyn swim it.

Please note: The first time she jumped off I was 50 metres away whooping it up like a crazy lady. I literally ran over right after... E on one hip, to hear her shouting to her instructor Mallory, "Again! Again!"No worries mama on getting a close-up of 'attempt two'. *phew* These moments are seriously too precious.

1 comment:

  1. i can see it all so vividly...you whoopin it up and all! love it!
