
this morning's text to carleigh:

I hereby vow to offer you one completely uninterrupted stimulating conversation at the time of your choosing. Cross my heart and hope to die.


Ahhh... the life of a mama. How I'm even able to maintain the lovely friendships I have, is most days beyond me.  

Oh and
Ashley... I think I'll be needing a few years to even wrap my head around 'three way chatting'. These days I can't even send texts to the right people. Smile. Sorry bout that.

1 comment:

  1. there has GOT to be an app for that, hey?
    and if there's anyone on earth who shouldn't have this phone because they don't know how to use it, that would be me.
    cheers to lovely friends and the time we do get to connect...oh, i love it...oh, i need it...
