
my littlest fan

Tonight Ever got us laughing so hard. She knew it too. It lit up her whole world. Funny, that she's been lighting up ours for a year.


Ever, you're one in a million kid. There are times I see you so content to sit back and take it all in. And then there are times like tonight where you would have done just about anything to keep us laughing. Either way, you're infectious sweetheart. You get it from your daddy. And it's a good good thing.

I could go on and on. But I must tell you Miss E... this mama of yours needs to stop lamenting over how quickly the past year has gone by (dry her eyes) and tuck her tired butt into bed. Right next to yours.(xo)


  1. oh my she is just pure goodness. nothing like chocolate cake up the nose...love it. & that first shot - unreal!

  2. that cake looks amazing!! how did it taste ?!?!?

  3. Like love. It was that good.

    And thank you for all yours. Love, that is.
